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How to choose a better incandescent lamp

The choice of incandescent lamps is very important, which is related to daily use. How to choose incandescent lamps?
1. Check the lights. When buying an incandescent lamp, you can observe its light with your eyes. If the light emitted is particularly bright, it means that the quality of the incandescent lamp is not good. Because good-quality incandescent lamps usually emit softer light, their color light is closest to the color of sunlight.
2. Power consumption. Try lighting a light bulb to see its lighting efficiency and power consumption. Generally speaking, only a small part of the electric energy it consumes, that is, only 12% to 18% can be converted into light energy, and the rest is lost in the form of heat energy. As for the lighting time, the service life of this kind of lamp usually does not exceed 1000h.
3. Object color. Because the light emitted by incandescent lamps is full-color light, the composition ratio of each color light is determined by the luminescent material (tungsten) and temperature. The unbalanced ratio causes the color cast of the light, so the color of the object is not realistic enough under incandescent light.