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What are the functions of a single marine navigation signal light?

A single marine navigation signal light, also known as a navigational light or a navigation beacon, typically has the following functions:
Identification: A navigation light helps to identify the type of vessel, its direction of travel, and whether it is stationary or in motion. Different colors and flashing patterns are used to convey this information.
Positioning: Navigation lights help to determine the position of a vessel relative to other vessels, hazards, and landmarks. By observing the position and color of the lights, other vessels can determine the direction and distance of an approaching vessel.
Safety: Navigation lights enhance safety by improving visibility, particularly in low light or foggy conditions. They help to prevent collisions and other accidents at sea.
Compliance: Navigation lights are required by law for all vessels operating at night or in low visibility conditions. Compliance with these regulations is necessary to ensure the safety of the vessel and its crew, as well as other vessels and passengers in the vicinity.