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What are the tips for installing marine lighting

Installation tips for marine lighting:
1. Don't just install a single lighting source in the center. In order to improve the lighting of the galley, a multi-level lighting system composed of different marine lamps and light sources should be installed in the galley.
2. The installation location of marine lamps is also very important. Linear incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps should be installed in the front part facing the cabinet. In this way, part of the light emitted by the lamp is directed towards the tailgate, then reflected on the operating table, and then directed towards the center of the entire space.
3. If the space inside the ship is high enough, a transparent or translucent chandelier can be installed on the ceiling as a light source. The chandelier can not only provide excellent lighting, but also be a good decorative item.
4. The most important thing about the installation of marine lighting is to be firm, you can pull it by hand and feel it. The bottom cover of the marine lamp should be close to the ceiling and cannot be shaken.
5. If it is a chandelier, there will be wires extending from the top to the lamp head. It should be noted that this wire should not be tight, but should be loosely wrapped around the pull rod and go down. Otherwise, the long-term tight wire will be easy in the future. Something went wrong.